Walking in the streets of Greece you may stumble upon such vendors. Unlike in Canada you do not purchase any lottery ticket at a gas station or convenience store. Here they are still old school and prefer a much more unique way of selling tickets. These vendors, are mobile and can be usually found on the corner of any major intersection. some even walk with broom sticks, to which attached they have the lottery tickets for you to chose from, and will even come up to you on a patio while having your daily frappe. This brings me back to my child hood when I first visited Greece in summer 1992 I remember asking my mother what was pined on the display. I remember her explaining me in to detail what it was, then grabbed my hand and gave me some lose change and told me to go pick one. Sadly, it was not the winner ! lol
Τετάρτη 4 Απριλίου 2012
Laxeio . . .
Walking in the streets of Greece you may stumble upon such vendors. Unlike in Canada you do not purchase any lottery ticket at a gas station or convenience store. Here they are still old school and prefer a much more unique way of selling tickets. These vendors, are mobile and can be usually found on the corner of any major intersection. some even walk with broom sticks, to which attached they have the lottery tickets for you to chose from, and will even come up to you on a patio while having your daily frappe. This brings me back to my child hood when I first visited Greece in summer 1992 I remember asking my mother what was pined on the display. I remember her explaining me in to detail what it was, then grabbed my hand and gave me some lose change and told me to go pick one. Sadly, it was not the winner ! lol
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